basic mix & match granola

mix & match granola recipe | conifères & feuillus

If there were ever a time to effect change in the food world, it is now. —Melissa Rodriguez

The IACP (International Association of Culinary Professionals) conference and awards ceremony took place this past weekend in New York City and while I could not attend, I did follow closely on Twitter. The above quote was one that popped up in my feed and it really struck me.

mix & match granola recipe | conifères & feuillus Continue reading “basic mix & match granola”

pizza sauce and pizza dough

homemade pizza sauce and whole wheat pizza dough | conifères & feuillus

Late summer, here in Montréal, our markets, and backyard and community gardens alike, are overflowing with tomatoes; all ripening at once that it’s nearly impossible to keep up with nature by merely consuming them at the usual weekly consumption rate. They are sold dirt cheap, by the bushels, to anyone who is brave enough to venture into a little forward-thinking sauce-making.  I may not always be so forward-thinking but I’m a sucker for cheap so this is the time of year when I turn a fairly inexpensive bushel of tomatoes into a healthy supply of pizza sauce.homemade pizza sauce and whole wheat pizza dough | conifères & feuillus Continue reading “pizza sauce and pizza dough”