pearl wheat pudding

pearl wheat pudding | conifères & feuillus

In my previous post, I posted a recipe for wheat porridge using whole wheat berries. It’s as nutritious as wheat can get. Today’s recipe is made with pearl wheat, a processed version of its whole counterpart. The pearling process strips the wheat kernel of its bran layer and germ (partly or entirely), making it less nutritious. Although less nutritious, pearl wheat is still a good source of fiber and lends itself perfectly for making a pudding.
pearl wheat pudding | conifères & feuillus Continue reading “pearl wheat pudding”

growing bean sprouts & an indian bean sprouts dry curry recipe

how to sprout beans | conifères & feuillus

They tried to bury us, they didn’t know we were seeds.  —Mexican Proverb

Growing up, there was no food that I didn’t like more than green mung bean curry. I won’t even mention, here on a food blog, what I thought it looked like. But, take those same mung beans and let them sprout and then make a curry, magically, the result would be my favourite food.
how to sprout beans | conifères & feuillus Continue reading “growing bean sprouts & an indian bean sprouts dry curry recipe”

nan khatai, the indian shortbread

nan khatai, the indian shortbread | conifères & feuillus

In the midst of darkness, light persists. – Mahatma Gandhi

Growing up in Montréal, Diwali always lacked the fanfare of Diwali celebrations taking place in India or elsewhere around the world. But still, we celebrated by lighting small clay lamps around the house and, of course, with homemade sweets. Today’s recipe is for my not-so-sweet nan khatai. nan khatai, the indian shortbread | conifères & feuillus Continue reading “nan khatai, the indian shortbread”

the plague of 1896 & mango pickles

Gujarati mango pickles | conifères & feuillus

The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn. -Ralph Waldo Emerson

A bubonic plague pandemic came to India in 1896 via rats on cargo ships from China. Over the next thirty years, India would lose 12.5 million people to this disease. Initially, it was confined to port cities but eventually, it spread to rural regions of the country as well. [1]

By the time the pandemic reached my ancestral village in Gujarat, my paternal grandfather was but a newborn. This meant that he had minimal resistance and the least possibility of survival if infected. But parents will do whatever possible to ensure the safety of  their children and so, as difficult as it may have been, arrangements were made by my great-grandparents to have him taken away to live temporarily with relatives living further away until the threat would pass. But things didn’t turn out quite as planned and what was meant to be temporary became permanent. Soon after he was taken away, his entire family fell victim to this deadly disease.

Indian mango pickles | conifères & feuillus Continue reading “the plague of 1896 & mango pickles”