pearl wheat pudding

pearl wheat pudding | conifères & feuillus

In my previous post, I posted a recipe for wheat porridge using whole wheat berries. It’s as nutritious as wheat can get. Today’s recipe is made with pearl wheat, a processed version of its whole counterpart. The pearling process strips the wheat kernel of its bran layer and germ (partly or entirely), making it less nutritious. Although less nutritious, pearl wheat is still a good source of fiber and lends itself perfectly for making a pudding.
pearl wheat pudding | conifères & feuillus Continue reading “pearl wheat pudding”

thyme and lilac posset

thyme and lilac infused lemon posset | conifères & feuillus

And suddenly you know: It’s time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings.  ―Meister Eckhart

Unknown to me, at this time last year when my lilacs were in bloom, I was shooting some of the first photos that would appear here on this blog. This blog, as you may or may not know, is a labour of love for my children, a collection of recipes of the foods that grace our table, meant for them to use later on when they are old enough and on their own. Before I started this blog, I knew I wanted to put this collection together for them but I was hesitant about doing it in such a public manner.thyme and lilac infused lemon posset | conifères & feuillus Continue reading “thyme and lilac posset”