mango lassi and two berry variations

mango, blackberry and strawberry lassi recipes | conifères & feuillus

I’m no expert on the matter, but from my visits to India I’d bet that the mango lassi is the most popular variation of India’s favorite yogurt drink during the summer months. I suppose this is in part due to it being mango season during this time. Lucky for us, here in Canada, we get a healthy supply of mangoes from mango producing countries throughout the world.

I’ve already shared my recipes for the standard salty lassi, as well as the sweet rose lassi. So it’s time for a mango lassi recipe today along with a few, blackberry and strawberry lassi recipes | conifères & feuillus Continue reading “mango lassi and two berry variations”

rose lassi

Rose Lassi | conifères & feuillus

If there be thorns, there shall be roses.

When we first made our journey from India to Canada, packed in our suitcases among our humble belongings was a small treasure trove of what always seemed to my younger self as magical potions and such. Having grown up in India, my parents were well versed in homemade ayurvedic remedies. We brought with us such things as eucalyptus (nilgiri) oil, sandalwood oil, churna and rose water to name a few.Rose Lassi | conifères & feuillus Continue reading “rose lassi”