shades of blue – part 3: blueberry lemon cake with cinnamon

blueberry lemon cake with cinnamon | conifères et feuillus food blog

I’ll paint my mood in shades of blue, paint my soul to be with you. -Céline Dion

Years ago, when we were but newlyweds, while hiking in the Charlevoix region of Québec, we noticed blueberry shrubs growing all along the side of the trail. They were the famous bleuets sauvages, the wild blueberries of Québec. They have been thriving here for thousands of years, native to the glacial soils of our boreal forests. It was early in the season and the berries were young and green. But how ever young and green they were, they were waiting; waiting for eager hands to seek them when the time was right, when they would be ripened to shades of blue.blueberry lemon cake with cinnamon | conifères & feuillus Continue reading “shades of blue – part 3: blueberry lemon cake with cinnamon”